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I Got Promoted, Now What?

I Got Promoted, Now What?

I got promoted; job promotion

Saying the words, “I got promoted,” is probably the highlight of careers for many women.

If this is you, congratulations on your job promotion! We are so very proud of you.

I know it was lots of hard work, but you did it—we love this for you. You’ve earned it and deserve it.

But…now what?

If you’re like most people, you’re gearing up to take on more responsibilities, or perhaps you’re going to be a manager for the first time, all of which is super exciting—and maybe scary.

But don’t worry, Modern Monclaire has your back, as always.

The first thing to remember is that you are not alone. In fact, many people out there have gone through the process of learning on the job. It may have happened with little or no formal training before landing their first managerial role at some point in their careers. The second thing to remember is that even if support isn’t coming from your job, you are in more control than you think. For starters, you’re reading this article which tells me you’re interested in making a smooth transition for yourself.

Let’s dig into the details around your new promotion.

Have a plan for the first 90 days.

As soon as the “I got promoted” excitement has dwindled down, create a plan for the first 90 days.

If you’re like most people, your new job promotion will involve more responsibility, and more work. That means that making a plan is important to ensure that you are able to meet the goals of your role and deliver on expectations.

You will want to make sure you have a clear understanding of the goals and expectations for your new role. You’ll also want to know what metrics will be used when measuring success. Additionally, understanding who else has responsibility for those same metrics or assessing if you hit those metrics will be critically important in the long run.

This about developing an actionable plan on how exactly how much time each week/month/quarter will be spent doing which tasks related directly toward achieving those objectives. Identify any gaps between what needs doing now vs. later so there aren’t any surprises later down line.

Talk to your boss and coworkers.

After you’ve accepted your new job promotion, it’s important to talk with your boss and coworkers (assuming it’s a new team).

You want to make sure that they know what their expectations are of you in this new role and that you understand what they expect from you. You should also ask them if there are any resources available for training or other assistance in getting up to speed on the new responsibilities.

If possible, find out how much time will be available for training before taking over the new duties so that you have an idea of how much work needs done before taking over full time.

It may take some time before everyone feels comfortable with the changes going on, but once they do, everyone will benefit.

What is next tactically speaking after getting your job promotion?

Here, I will make it super simple:

  • Celebrate your “I got promoted” win
  • Set a goal.
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Know your goals and how to achieve them, including timelines for when you want to reach those goals.
  • Make a plan for how you will achieve these goals by breaking them down into smaller steps or tasks that must be completed in order for the overall goal to be met successfully.

With a job promotion to manager, figure out your new team, especially how to help your (new) team succeed.

Stepping into a management position after being an IC (individual contributor) is super hard.

You will have the added responsibility of simply getting to know the personalities of whom you are now responsible. You’re going to need to spend time understanding the specific team culture and how you want to influence it.

I wouldn’t be surprised to hear you may feel unequipped to take this on, but again, understand what resources and support are available to you.

Be patient with yourself and don’t try to take this all on at once. It can take years and years to become an strong, efficient, and effective manager. And let’s be honest, some people don’t ever become good managers. Your goal should be making small, impactful steps towards leading your team to be exceptional.

This does not happen overnight, trust me.

It’s worth mentioning that as a manager, you have to be a good listener (obvious, right?)  As an immediate action, give credit where it’s due, and try not micromanage your team members. Finally, if something is getting in the way of someone’s ability to do their job well, and especially if that thing is you, ask for help from HR or another manager who can step in and help out.

Seek feedback from those around you, especially peers and subordinates.

Don’t let the new job promotion stop you from greatness—including learning.

One of the best ways to learn is by listening and observing. So, once you’ve gotten your feet wet in your new role, start asking around for feedback on how you’re doing.

Ask your peers and direct reports for their thoughts on how well (or not) they think that things are going. Ask them what they think could be improved upon or changed in order to make things better overall.

Make sure to ask the same questions of other people who work at the same level as you. And if possible, chat with others a level or two above you, their prospect can really be helpful if they aren’t too removed.

Don’t stress out, but do make sure you are prepared to take on the new role with your job promotion.

Bringing this full circle here—don’t let your new job promotion become too overwhelming.

Take whatever steps are needed to ensure your readiness, including, but not limited to:

  • Making sure you have the necessary skills and experience to do the job.
  • Making sure you have the support of your boss and coworkers.
  • Be ready for some extra work in those first few months as things get settled into place. But know that this will pass quickly once everyone gets into a new norm with you as their fearless leader.


There you have it: the basics of what to do when you get promoted.

Now that you’re in a new role, it’s important to remember that there are plenty of opportunities for growth and development. You can take time to reflect on what went well and what didn’t in your first 90 days. Then use those insights going forward as you continue developing yourself professionally.

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