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Tired of Working? Here Are Some Ideas

Tired of Working? Here Are Some Ideas

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Tired of working, huh?

I get it; we’ve all been there. You might still be in that headspace, and it’s okay, no judgment here.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to stop working and do something you truly enjoy? Right. We can probably all relate.

If you agree, then you’ll want to read this article. In this post, I will share some ideas on the best way to deal with not wanting to work — short of winning the lottery.

Reflect on why you’re tired of working.

This seems obvious, but it’s still worth mentioning.

Have you sat and done some internal soul-searching on what specifically you’re tired of? There are so many elements to our careers and professional lives, some elements that are more okay than others. It’s also fair to just simply be tired of it all.

If there are significant areas that are more draining than others, assess what those are and figure out how to mitigate them. Does working longer or unpredictable hours negatively affect you or your life? Is working from home starting to become more isolating? Is poor leadership or a bad manager affecting your career growth? Or maybe you just hate your job, employer, or coworkers?

There’s endless reasons as to what can lend towards your being tired of working. In any case, spend time thinking about what you can control or things you can change with some effort.


This is the ultimate solution.

I’ve always held the belief that no job is worth your mental or physical well-being.


And I haven’t found or heard of a anything to challenge this belief yet.

If you’re privileged enough to be in a position where you can quit your job, go for it. I love this for you. Even if you’re not in such a position, you may still want to consider resigning with careful planning.

Open your own business.

Consider entrepreneurship.

Why not finally consider getting that business you’ve always dreamed of getting off the ground?

If you’re tired of working for someone else and want to start your own business, it’s important to consider all the factors involved. Make sure that this is something you’re passionate about and not just a passing whim. Do your research about how much time and money it will take for you to get started. Find out what kind of market and competition there is in your prospective field or industry.

Once you’ve made the decision that starting up on your own is right for both yourself and the current market, make sure that you have enough funds saved up. That way, if things don’t go according to plan (and they probably won’t for awhile), at least there won’t be any financial issues involved with getting back on track again.

Also remember: no matter how good an idea may seem when being brainstormed by friends over beers at 2am during college–it still takes lots work and endless amounts of patience and resilience.

Get a part time job on the weekends or evenings.

On the surface, this is very counterintuitive.

Why work more if you’re already tired of working, right?

This is applicable for those who have figured out that there’s a monetary element to their wariness. If you’re tired of working because the money isn’t right, you can always search for another job, or get a part time job.

This can be a great way to bring in extra money, gain experience, meet new people and learn new skills. The best part is that you’ll be able to manage your time better if you’re not working all day long.

Note: this is not advised for those who are feeling overwhelmed or overworked.

If you’re tired of working, try something you’ve always wanted to do, but never had time for.

If you’re tired of working, try something new.

Take a class. You can learn anything from cooking to sewing to art history at your local community college or university. Read a book–not just any book, but something that interests you and will help expand your mind in some way. Do something that has been on your bucket list for years but never had time for: ride horses in Montana or go skydiving over Lake Tahoe.

I have several friends  and colleagues who have used their PTO to take extended vacations. I love this for so many reasons primarily because it allows you to step away from the work grind and into paradise longer than a few days at a time.

Volunteer for a cause you care about.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and get involved in your community. It’s also a great way to learn new skills, make new friends and get out of the house.

Volunteering with an organization you care about will give you a sense of purpose and satisfaction that can help improve both your physical health as well as overall well-being.

There are countless organizations out there looking for volunteers. You can find one that aligns with your interests and personal values by searching online or asking friends for recommendations. If there’s an organization that has always been on your radar but never made time for it until now, this could be an opportunity for reinvigorating those connections or starting fresh ones altogether.

As an added bonus tip: check to see if your job has a volunteering program. With a program like this in place, you’re able to volunteer during work hours for up to a pre-approved amount of time.

Learn something new, whether it’s a new language, a musical instrument, or an entirely new career path.

This falls in line with a previous ideas.

Take time to learn something new, whether it’s a new language, a musical instrument, or an entirely new career path.

Leverage your inner circle and try something different with friends and family members. Maybe they’ll be interested in learning alongside you. It can be fulfilling meeting new people while learning something worthwhile together. It’s even better if your new adventure teaches you something that is transferrable into the professional world.

Indulge in self care.

Sometimes all it take is pouring into yourself to get your glass back to half full.

I hate that self care has turned into something that sometimes feels like a massive effort. Don’t get me wrong, that can be true and sometimes that is needed to restore back to one’s full self. But it doesn’t have to always be a grand gesture especially in the moment.

If you aren’t ready to quit your job, start a business, or planning that getaway trip to Bora Bora, take smaller steps to start. Similar to the point above, investigate what in your day is drastically pulling away from your energy, then solve for it.

Things that I like to employ during my work day is time-blocking which includes screen breaks—times in which I walk away from my laptop. I love burning candles for aromatherapy throughout my day. If I need a Zoom camera break, I don’t feel guilty about turning off my camera. I also love spritzing my face with rose water or some other skin and mood energizer.

Figure out what gives you sources of energy and maximize the effort.

Lean into nothing.

In my teen years I would have loved being told to do nothing. As an adult, this has all but become a foreign concept to me now. We spend a lot of time being busy—work, kids, friends, family, hobbies, pet —whatever. But when do we have time to just be present in the moment? When can we just sit in a moment of nothing to decompress?

Admittedly, I am horrible at this, but with intentionality, I’ve gotten better.

I encourage you to disconnect from whatever ‘busy’ is for you and do nothing.


We hope these ideas have given you some inspiration for how to spend your time outside of work. Remember, it’s important not just for your physical health but also for your mental well-being. So take some time each day or week just for yourself and do whatever makes you happy–even if that means doing nothing at all.

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